SASSA Ewallet Recipients Payments Delayed – Here Is Why


SASSA Ewallet recipients of the ongoing SASSA SRD grant of R350 are experiencing an undue delays in their payments.

For some, since November 2020, they have not received even 1 rand from SASSA.

SASSA SRD Status Approved But No SMS


Ewallet is a payment option available for those who do not have bank accounts and use their phone numbers as a gateway to collect their grant from partnered banks.

The applicant must make sure that the sim card is officially registered in his or her name. Failure to do so will result in the nonpayment of the grant.


But as some applicants have been collecting theirs from the Post Office and personal bank accounts, those with e-wallets are struggling and not being paid.

When we reach out to SASSA through an email, SASSA responded by indicating the awareness of the challenges these form of payments is experiencing. Although they failed to state the exact reason but assured those involved to exercise patience as they try their possible best to resolve the problem.

They admitted that some applicants as far as November 2020 have still not been paid.

Below is the reply received from SASSA regarding the undue delay of e-wallet payment:


Kindly be advised that SASSA is aware of the delayed payments. We have been experiencing a backlog in our process which has resulted in
a regretted delay in payments however all beneficiaries who have outstanding payments due
to them will receive their payments accordingly. As you have mentioned that you have not received any
payments from November to March 2021.


For the approved months we request that you remain patient as the payments are still in progress.
We would also like to apologize for the delayed payments.

SASSA response to ewallet payment delay

Read Also:

  1. SASSA Status Approved But Not Paid
  2. Sassa Status Check For R350 Payment Dates For March 2021
  3. SASSA SRD Status Approved But No SMS
  4. Collect SASSA R350 Grant From Pick N Pay And Boxer

3 Replies to “SASSA Ewallet Recipients Payments Delayed – Here Is Why

  1. I have applied for srd grant and I’m approved and I have pay for October pay day 20 and I have pay day for August pay 22 I’m a caregiver but I did not get my money y

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