Sassa Has Started Paying R350 Grant For August


The South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) has stated that beneficiaries of the R350 Social Relief of Distress grant should expect to receive their August grant payments as they are being paid now.

Sassa Has Started Paying R350 Grant For August

Sassa has been experiencing many delays in paying out the R350 Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant to qualifying beneficiaries due to the changes to their digital systems which resulted from changes to the SRD grant’s regulations.


Sassa has now stated that beneficiaries can collect their August payments which were released from 21 September 2022.

Beneficiaries can receive their grant payments through their bank accounts or by collecting their grant payment from these selected stores:

  • Checkers
  • Usave
  • Shoprite
  • Pick ‘n Pay
  • Boxer

Read Also: How To Appeal R350 Grant Rejection Under The New Rules

Beneficiaries should only visit these stores to collect their grant payments after they have received an SMS from Sassa which states that the grant is available.

These beneficiaries need to have a cellphone with a registered cellphone number as well as proof of identification when collecting their grant payment.

Beneficiaries are reminded that they do not have to collect their grants on the date when it becomes available as the grant will remain in their accounts until they need to access it.


Read Also: How to Check SASSA R350 Grant Status | A Step-By-Step Guide

Those who have opted to use their bank account to receive their grant payment have been encouraged to check if the bank details they provided in their application for the grant are correct otherwise they may experience delays in receiving their R350 grant payments.

There is no set payment date for grant payments received to bank accounts, however Sassa has encouraged beneficiaries to choose the bank account payment method as this would enable them to access their R350 grant from anywhere.

Read Also: Why is SASSA R350 still Pending?

All beneficiaries must ensure that they keep their contact information updated on their R350 grant application so that they avoid any delays in payments of their grants.

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2 Replies to “Sassa Has Started Paying R350 Grant For August

  1. I have 2 months that’s declined and 1 pending all other pay date available but when I go to collect at PNP it says no card record why?

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