SASSA Status Approved But Not Paid


Being approved for SASSA SRD grant but not paid has become a common issue among Sassa R350 grant Applicants. If your SASSA status for R350 Grant is Approved But No Payment yet, then this post is for you.

SASSA Status Approved But Not Paid

Some have been approved since November 2020 and to date do not have a pay date. According to them, all attempts to reach out to SASSA have proved futile. This has led to many of them wondering if they will ever be paid or just forget about it.


Read Also: SASSA SRD Status Approved But No SMS

Sources from SASSA indicates that they are aware of this problem and trying everything possible within their means to resolve it.


There might some factors leading to this, but common among them are the following conditions :

  • Those who are using ewallet as a form of payments or those who have switched from Post office to ewallet. According to SASSA, they have problems with the the partnered banks whose ewallet are being used.
  • If you have switched from one payment option to another after receiving your sassa srd grant in the previous payment option.
  • Wrong information can also lead to approved without pay dates. SASSA wants to make sure they make payments to qualified applicants and directly paid to the applicant only. In view of this, one cannot use other people’s personal information to collect one’s payments. Always, make sure your bank account name and account number are correctly entered and the name must be the same as on the ID documents.
  • SASSA has indicated that, they are overloaded with thousands of phone calls every day, thus one of the reasons why they are not able to attend to every customer inquiry.
  • They have however assured the recipients to bear with them as they work assiduously to resolve the problems and that all those applicants approved without pay dates will be paid.

Latest Updates – SASSA R350 Approved But Not Paid

As of the middle of the month of June 2021, most Applicants have been given pay dates with some receiving their grants. Even those applied for reconsideration are also being approved with pay dates.

Although not all are paid or given pay dates, SASSA has given the assurance that they will all be paid in due time and those approved without pay dates too will be sorted out.

The Department of Social Development minister and CEO of SASSA have both assured applicants all those who have been approved for the SRD R350 Grant but no payment will at all cost be paid.


Remember you can always contact SASSA by phone (Toll-free number 0800601011) or reach out to them on Twitter @OFFICIALSASSA for assistance.

To check your SASSA SRD STATUS click on SRD STATUS Check

You can also leave your feedback in the comments section below for the editor to offer you some support.

95 Replies to “SASSA Status Approved But Not Paid

  1. I’m Gomotsegang Zeldra Senokoane. I have been approved from August but have never got any pay dates.

  2. i am Siphelo Kumka am still waiting for my money since August
    August is approved
    September approved
    October approved bt no pay day i don’t know what is going on. my numberis 0680173179

  3. I applied in August 2021 and I didnt recieved any sassa grant but was approved for August and September . I then change my banking details to an account but still I havent recieved any funds as yet. BUT my status is approved

  4. I applied in August 2021 and I didnt recieved any sassa grant but was approved for August and September . I then change my banking details to an account but still I havent recieved any funds as yet. BUT my status is approved. What should I do ??

  5. My name is Paster D Nkosi, I have been approved since August, September and October pending but no payment date. Please could SASSA spend up the process as this grant even if is too small but it plays a urge role into our daily life’s.

  6. I’m stressed and unable to do anything about this it’s not the first time this has happened but my son has been approved and got two dates and when we got to the post office they told him that his name is not on the system what does he have to do

  7. 3 months since I haven’t received 350 after applying in August, with all 3 months approved, no payment has come in, no sms also

      1. I haven’t received my 350 since August 2021 until now 2022 just like last time it goe’s to national treasury i just got for 3months after that no more i go to post office they said i dont appears to the cestim

  8. Me too am Sanelisiwe Wanda am been approved for 3months ihavent receive 350 and I have no payday no SMS what can I do now

  9. Ive been approved no pay out no pay day . trying to phone toll free number unsuccesful by getting hold of anyone on that number. Please assist on what to do

  10. Since August approved but not payment, no dates and no sms. August, September and October approved but still cashless.

  11. Why we need to wait so long for our Srd R350 grant. My October and September month is approved but still no pay date knou November is pending waiting for it to be approved. How long must we wait we need the money to survive

  12. sassa grand has approved from August, September, October and November I did not receive any R350 till now why

  13. Am still waiting for my paydays for 2months …………I was collecting my srd at post office then I changed to bank account

  14. I’m approved since August but no paydate …even tday I’m still waiting maybe ,I thought maybe its because of banking details I did fix them…hoping I’ll get my R350 since I did update my banking details

  15. So sad that most of us rely on this R350, I have no income and a child to care for, tried to get Sassa for my child but every time they have a new story, you need this and that and the best is I have not worked and they want a letter from my ex employer to state that I do not work there any more, how do you get that letter if the person is gone, I asked if I can do a affidavit and they reply was NO you need to bring the letter? Don’t know if anyone else has had this problem, I received my Aug R350 from there I haven’t received anything, approved with no date for Sept, Oct, and Nov, details has been the same since I applied in 2020 and always got my money no all of the sudden there is a problem, I have checked my bank details and ID and all is fine, so no I think the person working with our stuff is pocketing our little R350

  16. I’m approved since August 2021 but not yet paid,due to exchange my
    SRD grand to post office and my smacard lost,without following the link sassa sand to me

  17. my sassa grand has been approved from August till now I haven’t receive any no that’s not fair, after we have to vote 4 ANC while they don’t care about us no

  18. Hi my sassa grant have been approved from August September October and November but no payment . Banking details have been approved but still wait.

  19. Goodmorning..I’m Moliroa Kelebogile Moloi And My Sassa Grand Grant Has Been Approved For October And November Months But Still No Payday/date…I Changed Bank Branches From Nedbank To Capitec Bank And My Banking Details Are Totally Correct.

  20. ive been approved since last year i only receive it once at june since then ive been up and downs to the post offices nothing this year the time they said we must reapply again i did that its approved i think now its been six months again still nothing i even reapply several times it says .. application activated now the time of my second application i use my bank details i cheked banks and post offices its pain full line up into the line hungry and have that faith you will get something to eat today all of the sudden nothing please help us we are in need of this money small is better than nothing we are beggeng you god bless you

  21. Hi. Since September, October, November have been approved. No pay dates and now December is appearing as well but still pending. I have fixed everything including my bank details…. My number is 0684818976.. I don’t know if I’ll ever get this grant anymore

  22. I have been approved for the Sassa grant since last year. I have only received 1 payment. I have written to the SRD to lodge a complain. And still no payment of the
    Money. Till today

  23. I have been approved for the Sassa grant since last year. I have only received 1 payment. I have written to the SRD to lodge a complain. And still no payment of the
    Money. Till today
    . 0607161671

  24. My advice to you is that stop sharing your ID number and contact number on social media platforms no matter what, please

  25. I have been approved for the Sassa grant but still waiting for the pay dates which I haven’t received yet.I need this money to buy myself Christmas clothes

  26. Am Cebile Dludla, I only received AUG R350, and all these 4 months from September till now have been approved but no paydate, I don’t know if I will be able to get my money or not

  27. My srd grant is approved with dates from August bt not paid I dont know why at Post Office they said it say it doesn’t EXIST eish i dont know i need help

  28. I only received r350 grant on the 13th of october and November i did not recieve anything till now december….i fail to understand what’s the matter coz when i check on my status it show that its approved with payday…hope that’s getting fixed.

  29. My srd sassa was saying decline from August untill November and am a caregiver,SO this December say approved only for December and today I was at the post office they say they don’t see me on the system can you please help me i have a child to feed please i rely need your help,I even send them the email that i lots the old number I applied with nw i have new number is 068

  30. Need help am a caregiver and i don’t get sasa srd money sens my phone number is 0682583259 that my new number the old number is 0815576388 and i send email to see that i change numbers but still am not getting help and i have a child can u please help me

  31. My R350 srd grant was approved in August 2021 I have not received a payment date nor a sms from the post office this disgusting service from a government agency please look into this matter urgently

    1. I thought i was alone approved since September but no pay date i went to the post office they said go to sassa i went to sassa they said i must come back the following week i went they said its fine i went back to the post office they said the same thing again when i went to sassa they said wait for the pay date i have been waiting and checking but nothing

  32. hi i am mr may, i am approved and payment was made into my banking account, but there is no money paid into my account, i got also conformation from my bank and statements.
    what must i do.
    cell. 065 001 5751

  33. I haven’t get paid sence October they say it approved but no paydates since now February I haven’t get paid it 5 months now please help

  34. I haven’t get paid sence October 2021 they say it approved but no paydates since now February 2022 I haven’t get paid it 5 months now please help

  35. My January and February has been approved and also has dates but no sms what should I do????z please help I need this money

  36. I’ve been approved from January and have not been paid out. All my details are correct I have been collecting previously with no issues.

  37. I’ve been approved since last year and even switched to my bank account I still haven’t received an SMS thusang tuu

  38. I’ve appealed for the months of April,May and June than all 3 months was approved however I only received a pay date for May which was in November but still waiting on dates for April and June.I call in twice a week but still no dates..Please assist.

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