Unhappy With R350 Grant Appeal Status | Here’s What You Need to Know


So many R350 grant beneficiaries might have had their application been rejected which lead them to appeal. It might occur that the appeal upholds the rejection status. Can something be done about this?

With millions of Sassa grant applications for the Special Relief of Distress (SRD) coming through every month, it’s no surprise that some might be rejected. Sassa then gives applicants the option of appealing their rejected SRD grant application.

Once the appeal has been processed and it’s seen that the rejection status remains, many applicants will then be wondering what next steps to take.


The Independent Appeals Tribunal is now in charge of handling SRD grant appeals and have said this:

The decision of the Independent Tribunal is the final decision and no further internal recourse will be available.


They continue to say that should the beneficiary be unhappy with the decision made, the applicant should then approach the High Court for judicial review within a period of 180 days from receiving the appeal outcome.

The main reason behind SRD grant applications being rejected is that applicants do not meet the income threshold and are found to be receiving alternative sources of income.

If you’ve submitted an appeal and you want to track it, here’s how:

  1. Visit the appeals website
  2. Click on the green bar
  3. Fill in your South African Identification (ID) number
  4. Fill in the phone number used to submit your application
  5. Click “send pin” to get a one-time-pin which will be sent to the phone number that you filled in above.
  6. Once you receive the pin you will have to fill it in in order access your R350 grant appeal status.

Once the appeal has been submitted then the Independent Tribunal will aim to finalise the appeal within 60-90 days from the date on which the appeal was received.


One Reply to “Unhappy With R350 Grant Appeal Status | Here’s What You Need to Know

  1. my current at the for july month was pending still and my other months was declined from last year and l have 2 kids to support l hope us understand

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