Since the president announced the reinstatement of the SASSA SRD R350 grant, millions more applications tendered in their their applications, this time around where caregivers were added.
Most applicants were optimistic that the defects of the glare challenges that marred the previous SRD R350 Grant Application would have been dealt with, but the situation did not improve at all.
As we file this report, thousands of applicants are still not paid since August although approved.
What is your current SRD R350 Status?
Approved Without Pay Dates and With Pay Dates
For this category of people that their srd grant status check is showing Approved Without Pay Dates and With Pay Dates , some of which are using the post office, personal bank account and e-wallet as means of payment.
They wonder why they have been approved but no pay dates and whenever they even get that slim opportunity to contact SASSA on 0800601011 toll free number, they are only told to be patient.
Common sense tells any reasonable person that, it is not right and does not make sense to put people through that stress meanwhile the purpose of the grant was to relief them of distress.
SASSA as a social welfare agency should bear in mind that, most of the applicants are already struggling with unemployment as the rate of unemployment is all-time high because of the global pandemic.
It is high time SASSA up their game and be more resourceful to help these disgruntled applicants.
Others too have been approved with pay dates alright but no pay payment.
Pending Status
According to SASSA, when your srd sassa gov za sc19/status is pending it simply indicates that your application is being looked into as they request better particulars from various government agencies databases to see if indeed the applicant qualify or not.
This is quite understandable but for how long must one wait? Some have bren pending for months without any proper outcome. SASSA must be able to figure out those affected applicants who fall within this category and urgently work on them as urgent as possible. These applicants livelihood depends on these grants for survival.
Cash Send or Ewallet Account Users
For the records, SASSA has indicated that their request from the National Treasury to allow banks ATM to be used by SRD R350 grant applicants to receive payments did not materialized and has therefore ask such applicants to either submit their bank account details or else post office becomes the default pay point. A copy of the SASSA statement is available here . Take a look at the image below
SASSA SRD R350 Decline Status
There are various reasons why an applicant’s application will be declined. Some of the most popular reasons for the decline are listed below. For each you can click on it send you to a place where you can appeal.
- UIF registered
- NSFAS registered
- Alternative income source Identified
- Debtor
- Referred
- Other grants
- Identity Verification failed etc
SASSA has indicated that those who have been declined have the opportunity to appeal that decision within 25 days by using the reconsideration module found on the website which is extensively explained in the link below:
Canceled Application and Reinstatement
Are you one of those applicants whose application has been canceled either by system error or possibly a mistake?
According to others, some people out hate and jealousy knowing their ID number and the phone number used to apply can cancel their applications.
We have also received more complaints where people wished to reinstate their canceled application, but as i write this article, the ability to reinstate canceled application is not yet activated and SASSA is just quiet about this.
It looks as though all hope is lost as months go by and without them being allowed to reinstate. Meanwhile, they will not be allowed to reapply as whenever they try to reapply, they are told their ID numbers are already in the system’s database.

If you take a closer look at the image above, it is clear that the ability to cancel is active (in yellow label) but the reinstate but is deactivated (in grey label or button)
Nobody can tell if SASSA will allow a grace period when they finally activate the reinstatement of canceled grant application.
But to our cherished visitors, we will keep updating this post as and when SASSA makes any new changes to this module.
In the meantime, the following related articles will be of interest to you
Its been more than a year I still have not been approved a grant payment I have two babies I am unemployed I have been living off some family members help in which are unable to help me anymore. What do I do now I shouldn’t expect help from my family but the government does not see it that way as long as they can save money
I apologize on behave of SASSA for every inconvenience you are facing. but note that you can lodge an appeal if your R350 Grant application is rejected But before then you need to learn how to check your SASSA R350 grant application status. I hope this two articles helps you Tercia.
Am not working but always I try to register SRD they say registered UIF and I nesd this money
Application for December approved but no payment day
I have been approved from December but no paydates when ever I go post office I get told my money is not in yet ..why is Sassa doing such to people
Decline application
Please advise me if my status is still active
Bianca Naidoo
Id 8304260058084
I forgot the phone number I used to apply how do I retrieve the phone number if possible
You can email them by telling them your problem they will reply back within a week .sometimes your information was filled incorrect once its fixed you will see your paydates appears .
Same thing happend with me
I have a problem,when im appliying my srd grant,says it is already active,how because i didnt receive it
Since my status says pending it’s now 3 months what must I do will I still get this money
Appealing for declined SRD grant for May and June 2022. Saying I have a source of income, which is not true.